
Archive for the ‘Homosexuality’ Category

Wanning Influence of Religion in U.S.A.

October 3rd, 2014 No comments

On Monday of this past week, the Pew Research Center released the results of a poll taken earlier this month about religion, with this heading, “Public Sees Religion’s Influence Waning.”  The survey addressed a wide range of religious topics relating to life in America.  

The first question in the poll was: “At the present time, do you think religion as a whole is increasing its influence on American life or losing its influence?”  The answers: 72% answered losing its influence; 22% said increasing its influence; and 6 percent responded the same or don’t know.  “Losing its influence” is up five percentage points from 2010, to the highest level in Pew Research polling.  

Most people who say religion is losing its influence in American life see this as a negative development, Read more…