
Posts Tagged ‘Laughter’

Twelve Habits of Highly Healthy People

May 23rd, 2014 No comments

While at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, a series of twelve large posters that extended for about thirty feet caught my attention.  The twelveposters were all under one heading: “12 Habits of Highly Healthy People.”  Note: not just healthy people, but “highly” healthy people.  I spent some time in thinking about each of the twelve habits.  Some were not surprising–others were, at least for me.  Space does not permit my going into each in great detail, but here are some highlights. 

Habit 1: Physical Activity.  We’ve all heard from numerous sources that physical activity is good for people, but here are a few important details: finding a physical activity that you like (enjoy) and committing to doing it, every day, for about thirty minutes.  It may be as simple as just taking a walk.  Logging daily results will help keep you on track.  Read more…