
Archive for January, 2013

Is “No Problem” a Problem?

January 21st, 2013 Comments off

A shopper in a large grocery store for the first time asks a clerk where to find a certain item. ?Instead of telling her, the clerk takes her directly to the aisle and shelf where the item is located. ?The shopper, somewhat surprised at being so graciously helped in a large chain store, says to the clerk in a very pleasant voice, “Thank you.? I really appreciate your assistance.”? The clerk responds, “No problem.”

You?re eating lunch at an upscale restaurant during the busy noon-hour rush.? Without your asking, the waiter comes to the table and refills your water glass.? You say, ?Thank you.? ?And the waiter replies, ?No problem.?

You see a young mother who is trying to open her car door and, at the same time, is carrying a bag of groceries in one arm and is holding her baby in the other arm. ?You open the car door for her, and she says, “Oh, thank you. I really have my hands full.” ?You smile and say, “No problem.” Read more…

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“Affect” or “Effect”

January 21st, 2013 2 comments


For most people, it is difficult to know when and how to use ?affect? and ?effect.? The confusion primarily comes from two things: (1) the two words are very similar in both spelling and pronunciation and (2) their meanings have evolved through the years, making it difficult for us to understand how the two words should be used today. But their meanings and uses have stabilized in recent years, so let?s sort this all out. It?s really not all that difficult.In years past, ?affect? was used as either a noun or a verb, but now its use as a noun is considered obsolete. Except in rare cases of some psychological studies, ?affect? is now considered only a verb?that is, a word of action.

?Effect,? on the other hand, can be used as either a noun or a verb. Read more…

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