
Archive for May, 2015

Opinions Versus Opinionated

May 12th, 2015 Comments off

I have opinions!  Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines opinion as: “A view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.”  In describing how “opinion” is used, Webster says, “Opinion implies a conclusion thought out yet open to dispute.” 


Yes, I have opinions about: politics, which includes what I think of the performance of the U.S. Congress; the programs and actions of the President of the United States; our country’s handling of world affairs; how other nations feel about us, how they treat us, and why; the use of our military forces; our obligations as the superpower of the world; and the inability of the Democrats and Republicans to forget about being re-elected and the 2016 elections and concentrate on what’s best for the United States of America. 


I also have opinions about the laws Read more…

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